Monday, August 10, 2009

The American scientists have thought up a diesel engine-petrol the engine

Diesel engine

The group of the American scientists of Madison's university has developed an internal combustion engine which can work on a diesel engine-petrol of a fuel mix.

Proportions of each of fuel kinds are compared depending on loading on the motor, for example, at driving uphill the gasoline share in a gas mixture can reach 85% whereas at at movement on equal road volumes of both kinds of fuel will be equal. As informs Science Daily, the efficiency of this engine for 20% exceeds indicators of usual petrol units.

One of the basic advantages of the motor is decrease in working temperature for 40% that has led to smaller losses of heat. It became real thanks to more flexible regulation of structure of a gas mixture. As an example scientists have presented a pre-production model of modified diesel engine Caterpillar with the EFFICIENCY equal to 53% whereas the best indicator among internal combustion engines belongs to a duple ship turbodiesel — 50%. At petrol automobile motors of EFFICIENCY makes all about 25%.

According to Rolf Reitz project, these engines can be used both in cars, and in lorries. Exact terms of occurrence of serial samples of such motors are not informed.

By calculations of scientists if all cars in the USA have been equipped a diesel engine-petrol by engines consumption of oil by America would decrease on third or on four million barrels a day. Now the USA consume 21 million barrels of oil daily.